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Nathalie Martinek

Reviving the Mojo of Medicine | Dr. Nathalie Martinek

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450" placement="top"]And then one day I shook my fist to the heavens and demanded my life. This isn't my life, I'm not going to live like this anymore, I demand my life. And then within 24 hours my whole…

Pamela Wible

The Leader of Ideal Medical Care – Dr. Pamela Wible

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] I felt like they were trying to slaughter my soul in medical education. I held onto it... the way that I did that by the way was to continue crying and feeling, I refused to get…

Neel Desai

Reconnection and the Ten “C”s of Medicine | Dr. Neel Desai

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] You take healthcare back by giving physicians the ability to be innovative and creative... that's how you hack the system from inside Introduction This week it is truly a pleasure to introduce Neel Desai, Family physician,…

Venu And Vinay

The Evolution of Healthcare | Dr. Venu and Vinay Julapalli

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450" placement="top"] Health[care] 3.0 is unique, that's the key word. And by 'unique', I don't mean separate...The difference between uniqueness and separateness is, separateness doesn't fit itself into a puzzle, it doesn't fit in itself into the whole. Uniqueness…

Wendy Sue Swanson

Enhancing your Digital Fingerprint with Seattle Mama Doc | Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] There's risk of being disconnected, there's risk of not actually getting ideas out to the world, and good grief we get one shot at this life time. Not harnessing the tools of technology right now to amplify…

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