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February 17 2018
by Neel Desai, M.D.

Nisha Mehta is a radiologist, writer, and speaker based in Charlotte, North Carolina (U.S.A.). She has a passion for physician’s side gigs, mentorship, work-life balance, health policy, and making medical training and medicine more supportive for women. She created Physician’s Side Gigs, a website and Facebook group to discuss all these topics and to answer the central question:

“How do you create the life in medicine you want?”

Dr. Mehta has spoken and written extensively about the benefits of doing non-medical side pursuits to help physicians find a path to fulfillment in medicine. As mentioned in her recent popular KevinMD post the benefits can include, but are not limited to the following:

      1. Monetary – extra money, tax benefits, and passive revenue stream.

     2. Non-monetary – Job flexibility, financial security, expanding one’s network of physicians.

     3. Regaining something a physician can call his or her own.

     4. Having an outlet to process one’s life in a fulfilling way.

The response to Dr. Mehta’s question from the medical community has been phenomenal. Dr. Mehta’s writing has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, The Radiology Business Journal,, Doximity, and many more. Over 10,000 physicians have joined the Facebook group Physician Side Gigs. They are pursuing side income streams, or passion projects, or “physician side gigs”.

Dr. Nisha Mehta’s work on improving the roles of women and men in medicine, improving mentorship, and expanding the role of the doctor with “side gigs” is clearly having a significant impact. We are honored to recognize Dr. Nisha Mehta as our Medical Influencer of the Week.

For More Information:

Physician’s Side Gigs Facebook Group 

Dr. Nisha Mehta Website

Dr. Nisha Metha Facebook 

Dr. Nisha Mehta Twitter

Dr. Nisha Mehta Instagram

Podcast Interviews with Dr. Mehta:

Doctor’s Unbound Podcast Interview with Dr. Mehta

Hippocratic Hustle Podcast Interview with Dr. Mehta

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