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Ashley Maltz

Carving a new path in Medicine – Dr. Ashley Maltz

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I remember when I signed my contract and decided I was joining my colleague in her practice, I actually started crying because I was so excited… because this was my lifelong dream to be out on my own, do my own thing, and not be told how many patients to see, and in what timeframe. I remember writing my first note that was not attached to insurance, and it felt so liberating. I wrote a facebook post that said: “Oh my gosh, I don’t have to do a review of systems that doesn’t apply to me.”


Dr. Ashley Maltz is a doctor who has carved her own path in medicine. She practices as an integrative physician in Austin, Texas and  is a happy doctor who practices in a way that is congruent to her values. She treats patients using multiple healing modalities and aids them in finding their life’s purpose. Dr. Ashley is a strong resource as she only recently began her own form of practice, partnering with another physician in Austin.

In this episode, we dive into the struggles Ashley faced within her medical career, the positive shift she felt once she started to live her dream, the various opportunities one has in a medical career, and much more. Enjoy the episode!

Sample of the conversation

Obstacles on the Journey and creating a new path

There have been many. I’m not one of the people who wanted to be a doctor and it was the only thing I could ever imagined doing, I’m more of a Psychologist at heart, a nutritionist, and a spiritual individual. ​I always had this vision of bringing that into my practice. Unfortunately through residency and through medical school, you don’t get a lot of time to do those things and focus on them. And then, bringing them into clinic, you know… just trying to bring it all in, into a clinic, it became a little too much for my system, so I decided to leave the insurance system and carve a path of my own.

How did you find mentors and finally make changes you were looking for?

I think I have always sought that out throughout my career, I was always different. Even in med school, I was the “hippy chick”. There were others, but I was one of them. I always saw things differently, always from a bigger perspective. Even though we were treating this patient’s heart disease, can they afford their medications and what can we put in their body? I always gravitated towards mentors who saw the bigger picture.

The way I decided to go after this (I always knew what I wanted, which was a healing community center), I did Pamela Wible’s teleseminar course for Living Your Dream and at the retreat I just made a declaration and decided to go after it, because I was feeling completely depleted from my employed job. There were a lot of plusses and pros, and it was a great idea to be in that position, but I wanted to develop personally, spiritually, take back my health on a deeper level. I just knew I had to officially go after it and do it.

The best advice Ashley received

I would say it’s come more recently and it’s “be true to yourself”​. It’s as simple as that… if you are not happy and you see another way of doing something, just do what’s right for you. So many times, especially as givers and nurturers we want to please other people, and that’s not what this life is about. I’m not saying be selfish, or narcissistic or arrogant (there’s a fine line between all of those things), but it’s really about knowing what you want and going after it. Whether that’s going to break some rules, or have people talking, or some gossip, or if you hurt someone along the way (like a boss), it’s okay they will hopefully want you to succeed and be happy. That’s more what life is about then trying to please everyone.

Please take care of yourselves

Please just take care of yourselves. Residency is really hard, med school is really hard, life can be hard, but it’s really not worth taking your life over. I know it feels like it at some point, but reach out to others, there are people out there to support you and love you, even if you don’t know who they are. Hope is just a phone call away so, that’s my main message. And really go after what you want, bring joy into whatever you do

For more of the conversation, listen to the audio!


Contact Ashley


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